2022 Crop Year Recap

December 29, 2022


Through reporting our crop production to the insurance adjuster, Holtz Farms has finally wrapped up the 2022 crop year.

When I look back, I am still amazed at what a successful year we had after the adversities we faced. It seemed like there was one thing after the next that delayed our progress and added more stress than needed. From the start of planting season, we experienced equipment issues which set our planting date back farther than expected. A cool start to the growing season led into a late harvest which we ended on December 3rd this year. Everything was behind from side dressing to spraying, but our yields showed us that the 2022 crop year was much better than we initially thought. 

Holtz Farms Machinery

The Holtz Farms fleet had a few additions in 2022 which was exciting. Though when you’re working with any sort of equipment, there is always something that breaks down. This year was no exception. Even the new machinery had their issues. It’s a good thing we have great mechanics on our team, ready to fix the equipment that didn’t work. 

As far as new and new-to-us equipment goes, we bought a new corn planter for the fleet. The liquid fertilizer system on it didn’t work properly though we managed to make it work. We will have to fix the planter further this winter so we do not encounter the same issues. We had a new grain cart that worked flawlessly, but we didn’t get the size we wanted. So, in 2023 we’ll be trading it in for the one we need.

Another addition to the fleet included a Krause Excelerator vertical tillage system for minimal tillage purposes. This system helps break down the corn stalks, and it incorporates our rye seed into the ground. The faster we can do these things and break up the root balls, the quicker it helps us break down the nutrients to the soil and allow the rye grow. A new-to-us addition was a spreader truck that can spread lime and fertilizer. Initially, it took Paul a lot of set up time to have it work properly, but when it was time to lay down the agricultural lime in the fall, it worked well.

Our final new piece of machinery was the new 9RX John Deere tractor. We used it to pull our strip till unit. Though from the get-go, there were communication issues between the John Deere system and the dry rate controller that runs the application of our dry fertilizer. On top of that, we had several issues with our 9RX mechanically, but thankfully John Deere worked diligently to solve our issues as quickly as possible.

Weather in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, we had a lot of rain during harvest which prevented us from tilling certain fields and planting all our cover crops. We ended up doing 520 acres of cover crops in the fall season which was less then we would’ve liked to have done. But that’s how the weather panned out for us. Yet, through it all, the team managed to have one of the most successful years. Yes, mother nature did bless us with ideal weather throughout the summer months, but much of our success to the 2022 crop year was due to our amazing crew at Holtz Farms. No matter what the circumstances were, the team never gave up. A huge thank you to all our families, as well as venders and suppliers who supported us this past year. And to all farmers who completed another year, hats off to you!

The team at Holtz Farms wishes everyone good luck in 2023!

Written by Tyler Emhoff

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